Critical Animal Studies and Theory

This series addresses human relations with other animals in the context of socio-political relations and economic systems of power. It sees liberation not as a single-issue phenomenon, but rather as inseparably related to human rights, peace and justice, and environmental issues and movements. Rather than emphasizing abstract theory, the series links theory with practice and emphasizes the immense importance of animal advocacy for a humane, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable world. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to questions of social change, moral progress, and ecological sustainability, the Critical Animal Studies and Theory series connects with disciplines such as feminism, globalization, economics, science, history, education, critical race theory, environmental studies, media studies, ecopedagogy, art, literature, disability, gender, political science, sociology, religion, anthropology, philosophy, and cultural studies. The series will serve as a foundational project for one of the fastest growing and most exciting new fields of scholarship, Critical Animal Studies. Rooted in critical theory as well as the animal advocacy movement, the series argues for an interdisciplinary approach to understanding our relationships with nonhuman animals. Rejecting the notion that nonhuman animals do not have a voice, the series stresses that nonhuman animals do have agency, and, thus argues for an animal standpoint. In keeping with the principles of Critical Animal Studies, the series encourages progressive and committed scholarship and views exploitation of nonhuman animals, such as animal research and studies, as interrelated with other oppressions such as class, gender, and racism. Against apolitical scholarship, the series encourages engaged critical praxis, promotes liberation of all animals and challenges all systems of domination.

This book series is a project of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies,

Editor(s): Anthony J. Nocella II ( and Scott C. Hurley (
Staff editorial contact: Courtney Morales (