Critical Africana Studies
The Critical Africana Studies book series features critical, interdisciplinary, and intersectional scholarship within the emerging field of Africana studies. Most scholars within the field agree that “Africana studies” is essentially a rubric term utilized to conceptually capture the teaching and research of a wide-range of intellectuals (both “academic” and “organic” intellectuals) working in disciplines or subdisciplines as discursively diverse as: African studies, African diasporan studies, African American studies, Afro-American studies, Afro-Asian studies, Afro-European studies, Afro-Islamic studies, Afro-Jewish studies, Afro-Latino studies, Afro-Native American studies, Caribbean studies, Pan-African studies, Black British studies and, of course, Black studies. Epistemological and methodological advances in Africana studies, as well as historical and cultural changes, over the last fifty years have led to an increased interest in continental and diasporan African history, culture, thought, and struggles. The Critical Africana Studies book series directly responds to the heightened demand for monographs and edited volumes that innovatively explore Africa and its diaspora employing cutting-edge critical, interdisciplinary, and intersectional theory and methods.

Editor(s): Marquita Gammage (
Advisory Board: Martell Teasley, Kimberly Nichele Brown, Jerome Schiele, and Bayyinah S. Jeffries
Staff editorial contact: Sydney Williams (