African Archaeology Series | Rowman & Littlefield
African Archaeology Series
The African Archaeology Series is a series of volumes intended to present comprehesive and up-to-date summaries of current research on the African cultural past. The authors, who range from paleoanthropologists to historical archaeologists, all are presently active in their disciplines, work in Africa, and detail the results of their on-going research interests. Though the essential subject matter of each volume is drawn from archeology, they are equally dependent upon investigation of the historical and anthropological records as well. The authors understand the diversity and depth of African culture and history, and endeavor to explore the many sources of the African experience and the place of the African past and lifeways in the broader world. At the same time, while intending to reach an audience beyond specialist confines, the Series permits Africanist scholars the opportunity to extend authoritative information beyond the narrow limits of the monographic site report, in order to transform their field results into more general syntheses, giving context and meaning to a bare bones archeological record, exploring and utilizing new techniques for explaining, as well as comprehending the past.

Editor(s): Joseph O. Vogel