Philosophy and Cultural Identity | Rowman & Littlefield
Philosophy and Cultural Identity
The Philosophy and Cultural Identity series will encourage new scholarship in cross-cultural philosophy, exploring topics such as cultural memory, cultural membership, cultural obligations, cross-cultural experience, personal identity, single and multiple identities, single and multiple selves, and cosmopolitanism.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please contact Jana Hodges-Kluck.

Editor(s): Michael Krausz and Andreea Deciu Ritivoi
Advisory Board: Stephen Angle, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Costica Bradatan, Noel Carroll, Aurelian Craiutu, Christoph Cox, David Crocker, Cora Diamond, Edward Dimendberg, Fred Evans, John Gibson, Lydia Goehr, David Goldberg, Gary Hagberg, Rom Harré, Ian Jarvie, Christine Koggel, Thomas Leddy, Bo Mou, Amelie Rorty, Henry Rosemont, Paul Snowden, Kok Chor Tan, Mary Wiseman, and David Wong
Staff editorial contact: Jana Hodges-Kluck (