Politics, Literature, & Film
The Politics, Literature, & Film series is an interdisciplinary examination of the intersection of politics with literature and/or film. The series is receptive to works that use a variety of methodological approaches, focus on any period from antiquity to the present, and situate their analysis in national, comparative, or global contexts. Politics, Literature, & Film seeks to be truly interdisciplinary by including authors from all the social sciences and humanities, such as political science, sociology, psychology, literature, philosophy, history, religious studies, and law. The series is open to both American and non-American literature and film. By putting forth bold and innovative ideas that appeal to a broad range of interests, the series aims to enrich our conversations about literature, film, and their relationship to politics.

Editor(s): Lee Trepanier (l.trepanier@assumption.edu)
Advisory Board: Richard Avaramenko, Linda Beail, Claudia Franziska Brühwiler, Timothy Burns, Joshua Foa Dienstag, Lilly Goren, Kimberley Hurd Hale, Sara MacDonald, Steven J. Michels, Andrew Moore, Natalie Taylor, Ann Ward, and Catherine Heldt Zuckert
Staff editorial contact: Joseph Parry (Joseph.Parry@bloomsbury.com)