Capitalist Thought: Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics
This book series is devoted to studying the foundations of capitalism from a number of academic disciplines including, but not limited to, philosophy, political science, economics, law, literature, and history. Recognizing the expansion of the boundaries of economics, this series particularly welcomes proposals for monographs and edited collections that focus on topics from transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary perspectives. Lexington Books will consider a wide range of conceptual, empirical, and methodological submissions, Works in this series will tend to synthesize and integrate knowledge and to build bridges within and between disciplines. They will be of vital concern to academicians, business people, and others in the debate about the proper role of capitalism, business, and business people in economic society.

Editor(s): Edward W. Younkins (
Advisory Board: Doug Bandow, Walter Block, Douglas J. Den Uyl, Richard M. Ebeling, Mimi Gladstein, Samuel Gregg, Stephen Hicks, Steven Horwitz, Stephan Kinsella, Tibor R. Machan, Michael Novak, James Otteson, Douglas B. Rasmussen, Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Aeon J. Skoble, C. Bradley Thompson, and Thomas E. Woods
Staff editorial contact: Alexandra Rallo (