Walter Bumphus
Terry U. O’Banion
Introduction: The Continuing Evolution of the American Community College
Terry U. O’Banion
Section I: Ideas as National Initiatives
Chapter 1: The Learning Paradigm
George Boggs
Chapter 2: Community Colleges and the Ladder of Student Success
Suzanne Walsh & Mark Milliron
Chapter 3: The Community College Promise Movement: Opportunity, Affordability, and Success
Martha Kanter & Andra Armstrong
Chapter 4: Guided Pathways to College Completion and Equity
Kay McClenney
Chapter 5: The Community College Baccalaureate Movement: Evolutionary and Revolutionary
Deborah Floyd & Michael Skolnik
Section II: Ideas as Internal Functions
Chapter 6: Institutional Effectiveness: From Intuition to Evidence
Barbara Gellman-Danley & Eric Martin
Chapter 7: From Recognition, Reform, and Convergence in Developmental Education
Bruce Vandal
Chapter 8: The Evolving Mission of Workforce Development in the Community College
Jim Jacobs & Jennifer Worth
Chapter 9: Eliminating the Gap between High School and College: What the Next Generation of Transition Programs Must Do
Joel Vargas, Michael Collins, Sarah Hooker, & Ana Bertha Gutierrez
Chapter 10: Demography as Opportunity
Nikki Edgecombe
Section III: Overarching Ideas
Chapter 11: Catching the Waves: Technology in the Community College
Mark Milliron & John O’Brien
Chapter 12: Transformative Leadership Wanted: Making Good on the Promise of the Open Door
Margaretta Mathis & John Roueche
Chapter 13: Using Data to Monitor What Matters: A New Role for Trustees
Byron McClenney
Epilogue: The Missing Transformative Idea
Terry U. O’Banion
About the Editor
About the Contributors